Mayor’s Regulation No.97 of 2018 on Limiting Single-Use Plastic Waste, the government of Denpasaran and Bali have officially implemented the ban on single-use plastics in supermarkets and retailers. This regulation came into effect since January 2019.
Regulation of the Governor of Bali No. 97/2018 on the Restrictions on the Generation of Disposable Plastic Waste Collection was adopted by Bali Province. This legislation prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale, provision, and consumption of disposable plastics such as plastic bags, Styrofoam, and plastic straws. Plastic bags must be replaced with new products. Bogor Municipality issued Regulation of Mayor of Bogor No. 61/2018 on the Reduction of the Use of Plastic Bags, which limits the availability of plastic bags to customers in all shopping malls and contemporary businesses, in line with what has been done by Bali Province.
Source: Twitter @idDKP
Download Bali Mayor’s Regulation No.97 of 2018: