The twelfth Malaysian Plan 2021–2025 is the most notable policy to promote circularity is that it employs a nationwide approach to engage stakeholders, integrates SDGs and ESG principles into decision-making, fortifies policies and green financing, encourages businesses to adopt CE and sharing economy models, and cultivates astute partnerships for cooperative advancement. Among the noteworthy objectives are the following: (1) based on emissions intensity in 2005, reduce GHG emissions intensity to GDP up to 45% by 2030; (2) raise the percentage of household and scheduled waste recycled to 40% and 35%, respectively; (3) decrease reliance on natural resources and maintain at least 50% forest cover; and (4) raise the share of government green procurement to 25%.
The Twelfth Malaysian Plan 2021–2025
- January 16, 2021
- 1 minute read