In the fourth session of the webinar series PROs Around the Globe, Ursula Denison will represent and introduce Der Grüne Punkt (Green Dot) from Germany. Established in 1990, Der Grüne Punkt was the first system to implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging in Germany and remains a pioneer in the field. As the first system of its kind globally, it provides nationwide collection of used sales packaging, contributing to a circular economy by recovering raw materials. Today, Der Grüne Punkt offers compliance services to producers and is also active in consulting on packaging recyclability, international compliance, and the use of recyclates. The organization has invested in advanced infrastructure, including a highly automated sorting plant for lightweight packaging and two plastic recycling facilities for PP and LDPE sourced from household collections.
From October 30 to December 11, 2024, the Global Action Partnership for Extended Producer Responsibility (GAP for EPR) and the GreenTech Knowledge Hub of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection are hosting six sessions in the PROs Around the Globe webinar series. Each session will feature a different organization, providing insights into their structures, challenges, and unique approaches to Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) implementation.
Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) serve as the system operators of EPR systems, acting as central figures in their implementation. This series will explore the roles of PROs, their structures, and country-specific processes.
🌱 Organized by GAP for EPR and the GreenTech Knowledge Hub of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection, this webinar series will feature six informative sessions where various organizations share their best practices, challenges, and experiences with PRO frameworks.